Saturday, February 11, 2012

Valentine's Day Comes Again...2

Thanks Allah. We can meet again here in this cyber world. Once again I’d like to further our discussion on Valentine’s Day. Now on in this short post I’ll tell you about the history of this day.

It is said that Valentine’s Day is a day related to the day of Christian Priests that were martyred years ago. These priests are called as Valentines as in that year a lot of Christian martyrs were named as Valentines. While for the Valentines that were celebrated or honoured on 14th February are Valentine of Rome and Valentine of Terni.

The Valentine of Rome was martyred about AD 269 ago and was buried on the Via Flaminia. His relics are in the Church of Saint Praxed in Rome and in Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church in Dublin, Ireland. 

While Valentine of Terni was a Bishop of Interamna about AD 197 ago and it is said that he has been martyred during the persecution under Emperor Aurelian. He was also buried on Via Flaminia but in a different location than Valentine of Rome. His relics are at the Basilica of Saint Valentine in Terni.[1]

To sum up this short discussion, Valentine’s Day is a day that is related to the Christian Celebration of their religious priest that was called as Valentine: a martyr priest. That’s why we, as Muslim, are not allowed for celebrating this Valentine’s Day. 

Yeah, there are arguments that said today celebration of Valentine’s Day is not related to the ancient history of that Valentine but just for romance and love only but still it’s called as Valentine’s Day and yet there are more negative values arise from celebrating this day. How many Malay youngster or Muslim in this country have been caught for doing explicit things on this day? You see and's up to you. Changes start with you, yourself.
Tokdin Tuman….

Valentine's Day Comes Again...1

Thanks Allah, I get back to write here. Okay, as I see in the calendar today is 11th February 2012. Yeah, it’s Saturday right now and this Tuesday it would be 14th February. What is it so important with this day as I need to mention it here? Hah, nothing it’s nothing special but for certain people they are awaiting for this day. Especially for those who are in love with somebody.

           What day is 14th February? It’s a Valentine's Day. Y’all must familiar with it and someone might have celebrated this day. Unfortunately, it’s not advisable for us to celebrate this day with anyone who we love so much even those people that we love is our own legitimate partner; hubby/honey or somewhat. Why?? What is so wrong with Valentine haah? We don’t mean anything harm or bad things. We just want to strengthen our relationship or love we our partners. The answer is still no, no, no…

           I don’t need to explain more on this topic. Y’all know about the fact of this Valentine's Day. If you look back at its history, it’s not good for us the Muslim to follow the act of the non-Muslim to celebrate this day. Even though your intention is good but that’s not the way. We don’t need to wait for certain day in improving or showing how truly or deeper our love for the love one. It would be better if you renew your love in everyday lives. Start your morning with smile to your love one, hubby o whatsoever you call your partner and treat them with the best as you can. 

Tokdin Tuman….


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