Wednesday, February 5, 2014

‘Beras’ Siam, Kelantan & Me

Photo: Kosmo
It is such a pleasure to be writing again here in my first ever blog that I have created for the past five years ago. Actually, I did write some posts in my second blog: Tokdin Tuman but it was not so consistent. As I mentioned before that my second blog is created purposely for my Bahasa Melayu writing. My objective is clear; to organize my blog's post. I don't want my blog becomes messy with bilingual posts.

Now, in the beginning of new year of 2014, I wish that I'll be more consistent and productive in writing up my post here. Forget not to wish a Happy New Year even though it is late but like the saying: better late than never right? Let's go straight to my topic for this post.


I haven’t be in Thailand officially. Yaa, even though I live in a place which is located pretty close to the border of Malaysia-Thailand but I haven’t. To be honest I had once crossed the Golok River unofficially. I mean that I went there without legal documentation, namely passport or even border pass. Of course, I couldn’t justify what I had done is good – travel there illegally – but at that time I was just in secondary school (maybe in 14-15 years old – not remember). However, it was just for a while and I just went to the riverbank of the Siam territory only. I was following my cousins who went there for shopping some goods such as Siam rice. Actually, I quite forgot maybe the main item would be the ‘Beras’ Siam (Siam Rice). Then, we travelled back to ‘Malaysia’ I mean riverbank of Mundok, Kelantan. I thought it was a very short trip, not even an hour trip in the Thai territory.

Sungai Golok, Kelantan, Malaysia-Thailand
Photo: ChrisJ, TrekEarth
In Kelantan, it is so well-known that Siam rice is very tasty and have the fine and good texture. I could firmly assure that almost all Kelantanese do not eat Malaysian rice or local rice even the paddy planter themselves. They would prefer Siamese rice rather than local as they said it was so scrummy, yummy, luscious, scrumptious, delicious and all sort of words ended with –ious (LOL). When they eat local rice, they find that the texture of the rice grains are just like the texture of glutinous rice which is not taken in a daily meal as staple food except for certain dish only.  Malay always use glutinous rice or ‘beras pulut’ in their special feast menu that is ‘pulut’. There are a plenty of ‘pulut’ dishes. For instance, ‘pulut kuning’ or literally yellowish glutinous rice cooked with coconut milk or called as ‘santan’. Perhaps, the other Malaysians from the other states would love the taste of Siam rice as well as Kelantanese if they have chance. At least they will find a distinguished feature and texture of the rice. To me, I love Siam rice very much. Of course because I have been eating these rice since I was a kid.

How the Kelantaneses do get the supply of this Siam rice? There are two ways. One is by the legal process of importing these Siam rice stocks. This way is of course causes the increase in the price of this commodity. Why is the price rise up? The answer is because of the tax is imposed on the commodity that are brought/imported into the country. Often, the layman doesn’t prefer this one due to its price. We can get these stocks by buying from any groceries store. While the other way is by smuggling the stock of Siam rice. This one is the main and popular way of getting the supply of this rice. The reason for this would be the location of Kelantan which is a neighbour to Thailand. Adding to that, the territory of Malaysia and Thailand is only divided by a very narrow river of Golok. The smuggler of this rice or other goods can pass easily the border without being detected by the custom, police, or immigration. The fact that there are houses at the river bank of the Golok River which has made the smuggler’s job easier as they can operate in these settlement. 

'Beras' Siam Brands
Photo: Cuti Kelantan

Sometimes, I wonder how could Siam rice is better than our local rice. Is that Siam rice is so special that we, Malaysian could not even plant the same type of this rice seeds here in Malaysia land? I believe that Malaysia has its own institution or body for doing research on agricultural area for instance in Malaysia government we do have Agricultural Department. Worst still, as to my personal view local rice could not achieve the same quality, taste and texture as Siam rice. I think that Malaysia should send more local people including the selected farmers to Thailand paddy field and study how Siamese plant the paddy. Actually, we had already sent a group of researchers as to my knowledge. I heard someone talked about this before. Maybe it was not just for this purpose only. Perhaps Malaysia land is not so suitable to produce the same quality of Siam rice even though we plant the same seeds as theirs here. Whatever. Simply let the experts talk about this issue. I just highlight my personal view as a rice lover.

 Glutinous/Sticky Rice (Beras Pulut)
Photo: Appon's Thai Food

Cooked Glutinous Rice
Photo: Recipes Wikia

Siamese Rice (Jasmine)
Photo: Pickles & Spices World

We, the Kelantanese always claim that Siam rice is very good. Now, there are some questions. How bad is that local rice? Why most of Kelantanese prefer Siam rice more than local one? In fact, I think that it is not only Kelantanese love to eat Siam rice but also people at the surrounding of Malaysia-Thailand border namely Kedah (Bukit Kayu Hitam, Sik), Perlis (Padang Besar), and Perak (Gerik). The problems with Malaysia rice as I told before is the texture which is too glutinous or sticky and its taste is just like the ‘beras pulut’ – glutinous rice. Besides, it is too soft / tender and could be just like the texture of porridge especially when cooking with more water. Moreover, the size of rice grain is a little bit small. In fact, we need extra water when cooking Siam rice. The grain is relatively longer and bigger in size than ours.

To me, if someone asks which rice I prefer the most, my answer of course would be Siam rice. It doesn’t mean that I could not take local rice when having a meal. It is just a matter of choice and chance to get the rice. If I can get the rice easily at the reasonable price, I would certainly choose Siam rice. Unfortunately, Siam rice in other places such as in Kuala Lumpur, Johor, Selangor, etc. is hardly to get with a cheaper price. When in Kelantan of course I would eat Siam rice as it is easy to get the supply. 
Okay for right now I shall stop here. If I have time and will, I shall continue sharing my story on 'Beras' Siam favourite. 
Happy Eating Beras Siam!!!



1 comment:

  1. Beras siam memang sedap cuma bila dah tua tak boleh makan banyak sangat makan nasi. Bila saya tengok orang kita makan nasi sebusut, saya jadi gedebar. Jauh dari sunnah, berhenti sebelum kenyang. Lepas makan bersandar macam ular sawa. Apa-apa hal, good post, bro!



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