Monday, January 30, 2012

Get Back to Blogging

Alhamdulillah, get back to write again in this blog after being silent for a while.  A while?? Is it really just for a while or even forever and ever. Whatsoever, I don’t care. Indeed, I was so busy (or even lazy) to keep it up with any post here. Yaah, since I just furthering my study in degree, I stopped from thinking about writing anything.

           Stop mumbling about nothing, let’s go to the point. Y’all know that we are just entering New Year, 2012, for Gregorian calendar and for Chinese, they just entering New Year as follow to their Lunatic calendar; which is Dragon Year if not mistaken. I do think that it’s not too late for me to wish a HAPPY NEW YEAR. While for Muslim we already enter this New Year or Maal Hijrah for several months ago. Salam Maal Hijrah 1433 even it’s quite late.
          That’s the unique live in Malaysia; we do have a multi-ethnic and culture in a single state. For every ethnic has its own culture, rules, ways of life that would end up as a colourful country. However, for Muslim even though we do respect and appreciate the other culture but watch out; not to forget one precious thing; that is do not even get involved or do believe with all the superstitious related to Lunatic New Year and so on.

            Okay, it’s enough for now, I’m not in the mood to write a longer post.

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