Thursday, November 19, 2009

Being A Students In A Campus

Thanks God, that I can write again. I think in a couple of days from now I still can write for this blog. Later on, I may write for this blog for several times a month or less. Okay, lets talk about the title I have chosen for today. Being a student in a campus is not the same as we are in the school. The way of learning and teaching is totally different. As a student in any college or university needs us to be more active in finding notes on your subject and for your assignment. The assignment you need to do is not like the assignment in the school. Moreover, lifestyle in campus is totally different compared to the lifestyle in an hostel during school. Therefore, there is something which can be made to prepare them for new life in campus.

Sometimes we heard that there are some students who change when they go to the university or colleges. This happen due to the situation in campus which is more free than in school. In the campus, you may do almost everything you like and nobody would stop you from doing that. If you want to study, you may do so and if you want to play around, have fun without concerning your study, you may do so too. All of the decisions made for you there depend on you.
As a result, some students may act oppositely of their behave before.

How to prevent this from happen. In my opinion, it is depend on the way of your parents educate and nurturing the children before. The most important thing to be teach by the parents is the religion's faith. As a Muslim we already have a proper way from the God to guide us in facing everything in our lives. When a student know about what the purpose he/she goes to the university and know the responsibility as a student. He/she may focusing on his/her study. Parents need to ensure that their children will contact them and they also do not miss to contact their children. This to enable students to remember about what the purpose they be in campus and the hope of their parents on them. Students when go to far from their family and they have friends might forgot their point on being in campus. The parents also must remember that they still have to control of their children although they are in the campus.

To conclude, one of the ways to prepare yourself for campus life is be aware of your reason to be in campus and also remember your parents' hope on you and your responsibility as a student.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lack of Knowledge Makes Muslim Too Weak

Assalamualaikum .

People around the world have heard about the state or condition of Islamic countries. Many of Islamic countries are included in less developed country or at least as the developed country. All of these happen due to our behave and attitude as Muslims. We do not really care about gathering a lot of knowledge or even go to study in school. I agree that many of us around the world are not capable to give education to our children. However, this cannot be a major reason or an obstacle which make us as Muslim do not have education as in the Al-Quran stated that knowledge is very important. Look back in the Surah Al-Alaq, it is the first Ayat which ask our beloved Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. and also to the all of Muslim to read. "Read with the name of Allah who creates all creatures". Therefore, in my opinion it is important for us to study and study and improve our knowledge especially about Islam.

If Muslim around the world aware of the important of knowledge and education, I am absolutely sure that Muslim community including Muslim countries may become the most developed and grand society among others. Why not, we already proved that before. Without knowledge every country cannot develop. Although their country have many natural resources which can be used to develop the country, they need people who are talented and have skill to use the sources.

Lastly, I hope that we including me can develop ourselves first by studying to develop the whole Islamic world.

Life is too fast

Assalamualaikum. Today, what I want to say here is our life if we look back, is too fast. As for me, I'm feels like my primary school life is just a several months ago but the fact that it doesn't. It seems that our life moving to fast and some more fact that we have to remember is we don't life longer. Thus, I need to use my precious time wisely.

However, to really use your time wisely is not easy task. Many people cannot do this. A lot of us still hanging around while they still have many works to do. How many time we spend for entertainment-watching television, surfing internet, play games and etc.-? I'm sure that about half or quarter of a day we spend for it. What we do to make our lives so precious. Moreover, as a Muslim, do we really concentrate on being a good Muslim-to worship our God, Allah The Almighty-? What have we done with our invaluable time given by the God.

Hope that all of us especially me can change. Now, we are in the end of the year. 2010 is just one and a half month to go. Don't wait too long to make an effort to change. "The God will never change people lives if they, themselves do not even make an effort to change"


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