Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Salam Maal Hijrah 1431

Assalamualaikum. It has been a couple of weeks ago that I did not update my blog. Until now, it comes to the new year of the Hijri calendar. It is called as the Hijrah year or literally means The Year of Migration if I not mistaken. I am not a language expert, hope that it is right. The year of Muslim which was created by used the day of the migration of Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. to Yathrib or later it is called as Madinah (A City) as the first year Muslim calendar. This was the historical day in Islam which started the developing of a new and the first country of Muslim community in this world. A country which was the best and the most developed country in the whole part of human lives. Either in physical or in the spiritual of the men. Day by day has passed and now we are going to enter a new year. About a thousand and a half years has Islam been in this world. It is the long time for Muslim in the whole world to achieve a lot success in every part of lives. However, the reality today is opposite the logic. What happen today is not a glory of Islamic country but seems the failure of us. All of failures are such the lack of knowledge and level of education among the Muslim, the war in certain Islamic countries, and the most problematic issue is the unity of the Muslim around the world.

Actually, what happen is not due to the holy principles of Islam but the Muslim themselves. Their attitudes and their lives which left all or a part of the principles derived from the Quran and Sunnah made Islam so weak today. I think that it is good for us as Muslim use this new year of Hijrah to improve ourselves in each part of lives. The most important is to back the core of Islam principles that are Quran and Sunnah. Then, improve the level of education and knowledge among us. As what the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h said, if we want to success in the world today is by knowledge, success in the day hereafter also by the knowledge, and if we want both it should be by the knowledge too. He has left us two things which can prevent us from lost in lives when we refer to them which are Quran and His Sunnah. Therefore, I really hope and pray to Allah the Almighty so that Muslim can achieve again the time of its renaissance era before.

It is enough for me to talk about the Muslim lives today and the hope for them to wake up again. What the point I would like to mention here is about me as an individual. Somebody said that to change the whole world is starting from changing a single person. To do this it is better for me to look at myself first. Who am I to comment on the big issue which still cannot be solved by the big and extraordinary people in Muslim community? In Malay there is a proverb which is cermin diri literally means look at yourself in a mirror. Before we comment on something or somebody, look at yourself whether you deserve or not to comment on the issue. Whether you have the capability and knowledge to talk on the issue. However, whatever I say is from my point of view that might be right or wrong. If it is wrong, I am very pleased to receive any comment and correction from others. That are the point I wrote it here. Thus, that is what I think it is good for us. Now, let check ourselves what have we done a whole last year. How many good things have we done? How much time have we spent for worshiping the God or almost full day we are lost in the lives in fana’ world. Are that much goodness we have done or committed more sins? Hurry up guys, wake up from sleep and worship God and ask for His forgiveness since you still have more time. Say Astaghfirullah (I asking for your forgiveness o Allah).

One more thing is to plan what would you do in this New Year for your success in lives. Remember, proper planning makes you succeed. Plan and dream without action taken to realise it is nothing. If you still have some plans in the last year take it forward in this year and make effort to achieve it. Lastly, I hope that I can achieve my target in this year and change myself whether in attitude and in physical state. Wassalam. 19/12/09

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