Thursday, December 31, 2009

Have You Ever Think About What You Have Done

That is one of the questions which come to me sometimes. Emmm, is that so important to us to think about what we did or what we are going to do? Have you ever think about this question. If yes, I am glad that you may be one of persons who are going to be succeeding in life. The answer to the first question is yes, it is so important for us to think about what we have done in our lives. For me, one of the secrets to succeed in life is to look back on whatever we did. To make it easier for us in understanding about what I am saying here, it is better for me to show us an example. Let see a student in school. Okay, as a student who is trying so hard and so ambitious to get the highest mark or result in examination needs to check how many exercises he/she has done. If they do not get the target which they have set before, they should check back is that their way of learning and revision they made are good enough to reach the target? If not they must improve it later for the next examination. It is same in the situation of an adult in their career. You also need to look back on what have you made for your work. Have you plan a good strategy for your marketing in business? Is that your product can fulfil the clients’ needs. All of these examples show us the important of asking yourself on what you have done to improve us in whatever we do now. Therefore, let us ask this question to ourselves during this ending of the year 2009 to improve our lives.
            I believe that a lot of us will make a new target for the new year which is around the corner. No doubt that it is good to make a target to achieve in the next year. However, once again I ask this question; have you ever think about what you have done before. You already made a wish or target at the same time in the last year just before the new year. Have you get the target you did before in this year? If the answer is yes, be my guest to make another one. If not, take a wee bit of time to think first about your effort in this year. Do you really give the best effort as you can? Thus, in order to make a new target for the next year, you need to check up your achievements in this year. Afterward, you find a solution to the problem in achieving your target for this year and plan a new strategy to achieve it in the next year. That is what I think is good for me and all of us to succeed in our lives.  
            Furthermore, ask yourself anytime you fail in doing something. What I have done? Do you really use all of your time to get what you dream for. No end of people make a wish without really work for it. Then, it ends up in failing in getting what you wish for. It is quite easy for us to make a wish or target to achieve for each year but it is not so easy to realize it. I also have been like this and was not excluded from this. However something should be done to change this situation. First, I think it is better for us to prepare ourselves to have strong spirit and keen to succeed. Thus, if you face any challenge in realize your wish or fail, you will not frustrated and become weak to work hard for it again. To get an invaluable success in life is not an easy task. It needs you to face many challenges and sometimes you might fail. To get a shiny bulb today was not easy. Thomas Edison had failed many times before he succeeded in inventing a bulb. So, what about us? Do we have to wait for miracle to happen in our lives then we can succeed? Certainly not and just be strong to wake up from failure. You have to struggle hard in your life. Do not simply give up. You still have chance to win in your life. Remember that people who succeed are the people who learn from their failure. Make a new strategy and let fight more. Only good plan makes you achieve your target.

1 comment:

  1. din x leh ke letak2 gambar2 atau cite2 pasal uitm lam blog ni...lau mg cite pasal experience kt uitm ke aatu cerita2 sepanjang duk kt uitm mesti best..hak3....(bg cadangan je..heheheh...)....=)



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