Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Let Muslim Do Whatever They Ought To – Isn’t That Their Rights

Here I am going to raise a well-known issue in globe (though it might be old issue). Yah it is about the controversial issue of Muslim women are prohibited to wear their veil/niqab or just cover up their hair/hijab in certain country such as in France. All of these only happen in western country where the Muslims are the minority. By the way, the word Muslim is derived from the Arabic word which refers to a man whose religion is Islam. While for woman the exact word is Muslimah. Okay, let’s stop discussing the linguistic matter here.

                In European countries, it is well-known that the people there are seriously struggle for the establishment of a freedom in society as well as the world. They would likely to utter and even mock the Muslims especially the women (Muslimah) in Islam who wear the veil or hijab. To them it is an injustice act towards those Muslimah. They simply think that wearing the hijab is an act of oppression or subjugation to women. Firstly, forgive me for one second as I tend to burst into laughter when I heard the statement. Especially the statement comes from the people who fight for freedom. Yah, to be honest they need to review the definition of freedom. That would be the first argument to the statement. At least there could be two arguments on this issue.

                First, do them aware that by the time the enforcement of rule that prohibit the veil is launched, they are already initiating an act of oppression to Muslims. Yah, it is oppression as the Muslims do want to wear a hijab or veil on their willingness as they are aware about the teaching of Islam. Nobody is forcing them to do so as they revert to Islam peacefully and agree to the rules and regulations in Islam. Freedom means that anyone can practise their religious activity or routine without any hindrance. Can anyone in European countries find that Singh men are prohibited from wearing their turban? In my knowledge as far as possible, there is none in fact in United Kingdom, even the Singh policemen can wear turban while they are working. Therefore, why they bother to ban Muslims from wearing the hijab or veil. 
                The next argument is why they barefacedly interfere with the teaching of Islam. Do not they know that the veil is not just a cultural matter but it is a religious one? Are there any of Muslims in those countries ever try to prohibit or protest the Christian teachings or other religion faith just like what they had did to the Muslims. Nope, not even once in history. Thus, this oppression is such a matter of Islamophobia that has been rising up tout de suite now on especially after the 9/11 incident. 

               To conclude in brief all of the action that have been taken on the Muslim community are such the injustice action which are denying and disregarding the right for Muslim community in those countries. They do not even have right to say that the veil or hijab is a matter which against the human rights. By the way, the Muslims are not oppressing the women right; instead, the non-Muslim community or establishment do so to them. Hence, simply let Muslim do whatever they ought to as it is their right, isn’t it.

Let's watch this video for a moment...


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