Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I Couldn’t Believe it !!!

I could not believe that I pass this test. Yes, it is real. I already pass the driving license test. Actually it is not something that pretty big enough to be mentioned right here. However, to be honest it is something that really means to me. What is so fascinating to me about passing this little test I think?

            Firstly, I only pass the test after taking a second test or retest. It sound that I am so bad at riding the bike. Oh yeah, I am forgot to mention that I passed the driving license test for Motorcycle B2 License only and not the car driving license yet. Of course it is a matter of money, money and money. If I have plenty more money at the time I am taking the license I could take both license – motorcycle and car- for sure but due to money problems and time I do not have the chance to take both license at the same time. To be honest it is not all about money, the time actually becomes the obstacle for me.

            Normally, for Malaysian students or youngsters they would take driving license test after taking the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), as they have a lot of time for taking all the courses and the test for the license. In Malaysia, the minimum age for teenager to take the driving license test for motorcycle is 16-year-old while for car driving license as I recall back is 18-year-old. That is why the students tend to take the driving test just after they have finished the SPM examination.

My dream bike
            In contrary to that, I took the test quite late as I have entered the university. Sometimes, when think about it I felt quite regret as it is such a loss to me as I have no license I became a little bit immobile. The situation is just like a person who has been in paralysed and do not able to move a lot. For university student, it is important for them to have transport in order to look for information and preparing the assignment for their courses. Transport is one thing, the license for driving those transports is quite important too. How can we drive a car or ride a bike without having the license unless we want to get ticket from police.

            Back to my driving license test story, at first test actually I did perform well for all sections of the test. Undoubtedly, no one would ever think that they are doing very well in their test or whatsoever. After waiting for more than an hour nervously as I was afraid that I did not pass the test I lastly got my test result. The test result slip was given by calling the candidate’s name one by one and lastly the longest waiting ended and it was really disappointed as the slip clearly stated that I failed. Full stop and no more begging for reviewing back your result. The result is final. I need to fill the form for retest.

            What is the most memorable and quite funny one is the reason for I failed in the test was I did not neatly tie up the helmet. I repeat it just about the helmet that was not neatly tie up. I did tie the helmet but just the end of the helmet belt which was not perfectly slip inside the helmet. The end of helmet belt was freely dangling under my helmet. While for the second test, thanks god that I passed but I did several mistakes. At the beginning of the test for the second part which is test on the road.

            For my turn, I got the bike from someone who already done the test and the bike is still on. So I needed to switch off the bike and for that I needed to free the gear first but I did not. That was the big mistake actually as when I tried to start the engine back the bike was likely to jump off the road. Carefully I covered up so that the examiner did not realize it. Unfortunately, as I quite shocked of what had happened I became more nervous than usual. I did more mistakes. At last when I got the result, I passed the test for sure. I could not believe it. After did several mistakes I still can pass the test. Maybe the examiner became more open and not too strict as usual as they aware that we took the test for second time.


Sekarang ini heboh dengan program lawak terbaru tanah air iaitu program Maharaja Lawak yang sedang bersiaran di Astro Warna, Astro. Tentunya para peminat program Raja Lawak tidak melepaskan peluang untuk mengikuti siaran Maharaja Lawak yang disertai oleh peserta-peserta Raja Lawak siri-siri yang sebelum ini. Antaranya Raja Lawak seperti Yus, Nabil, Man, dan pemenang tempat kedua dan ketiga program Raja Lawak yang lain.

            Saya juga termasuk salah seorang daripada khalayak ramai yang mengikuti juga program Maharaja Lawak di astro ini. Walaupun saya akui sebelum ini tidak terlalu mengikuti program Raja Lawak sepenuhnya bahkan langsung tidak menonton siaran Raja Lawak yang terkemudian daripada Raja Lawak siri yang pertama. Sekadar menonton siaran ulangan yang disiarkan di channel Astro Prima.

            Sememangnya jiwa ini agak sebati dengan program-program yang berbentuk komedi. Kalau saya menonton filem pun saya lebih meminati filem-filem yang berunsurkan komedi. Namun kadang-kadang terasa di negara kita ini kekontangan filem-filem komedi atau program komedi yang agak matang atau sekurang-kurangnya lawak yang tidak terlalu bodoh. Walau bagaimanapun setelah menonton siaran Maharaja Lawak yang pertama, entah kenapa hati ini seakan-akan tertarik dengan program ini sehinggakan ternanti-nanti siaran seterusnya. Walaupun tidak dinafikan yang tidak kesemua peserta program ini membuat persembahan lawak yang agak matang namun terdapat beberapa kelainan yang dikemukan oleh para peserta dalam membuat persembahan lawak mereka dari minggu ke minggu.

Juri-Juri Maharaja Lawak 2011

            Apa yang mengkagumkan diri ini adalah konsep komedi yang dipersembahkan itu pelbagai dan dipersembahkan dengan begitu kreatif sekali oleh para peserta. Antara peserta yang saya rasa mutu persembahan mereka agak bermutu dan tentunya lawak ialah gandingan Johan dan Zizan, kumpulan Jambu, Nabil, dan geng sepah. Apa pun jom layan Maharaja Lawak di Astro yang sekarang sudah menghampiri ke final.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Tengah-tengah asyik melayari internet semalam saya tersentak jugaklah apabila terbaca satu kenyataan dalam akhbar berita harian. Tajuknya ‘Layan macam pelacur’, sekali baca boleh bawa tanggapan buruk. Ingatkan cerita pasal apa kalau dah disebut pelacur rupa-rupanya pasal sang isteri perlu melayani suaminya persis pelacur. Terbeliak biji mata ini sekali baca kenyataan itu. Kenyataan itu dijelaskan oleh Dr. Rohaya Mohamed, Naib Presiden Kelab Isteri Taat, sebagaimana yang dilaporkan akhbar. Mungkin ini salah satu kesilapan petikan kenyataan ‘misquote’ atau pun sebaliknya. Inilah sebahagian petikan kenyataan yang dilaporkan akhbar Berita Harian bertarikh 05/06/2011.

“Tanggungjawab isteri bukan saja untuk memasak, mengemas rumah dan menjadi ibu malah turut membabitkan aspek seksual. Lelaki berkahwin dengan wanita yang menyamai atau jauh lebih bagus daripada pelacur (di ranjang), sudah pasti tidak akan curang.
“Nafsu lelaki jauh lebih besar daripada wanita dan tidak boleh diketepikan. Daripada membiarkan mereka bergelumang dengan dosa, seorang isteri itu harus melakukan apa saja bagi memenuhi keinginan nafsu suami.”- Berita Harian
            Secara jujurnya memang tidak dinafikan yang seorang isteri berkewajipan melayani suaminya apabila diminta namun adakah sopan serta logik di akal untuk membandingkan tugas seorang isteri dengan pelacur. Adakah tugas si isteri yang mulia di sisi agama dan norma masyarakat setaraf dengan kerja seorang pelacur? Apa nak jadi dengan pemikiran orang zaman sekarang. 

            Kalau pun terlalu ingin menangani masalah suami yang berlaku curang atau menyimpan perempuan simpanan dan yang seumpamanya namun adalah tidak wajar bagi mereka mengeluarkan kenyataan seumpama itu. Saya bersetuju yang seorang isteri harus taat kepada suami dan melayan suaminya namun tidak patut untuk menyamakannya dengan seorang pelacur yang jelas kelakuan mereka itu dikecam agama dan masyarakat yang waras.

            Walau apa pun mungkin kenyataan yang seperti itu satu kesilapan dalam menyampaikan maksud sebenar yang dingin diutarakan iaitu pentingnya si isteri taat dan melayan suami sehabis baik mungkin untuk mengelakkan suami daripada berlaku curang dan mencari yang lain.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

It's So Boring !!

I have heard for so many times that people always cry for time to relax. They always looking for time to rest and get enjoy themselves in home. Maybe just sit on their couch, have a cup of coffee and watching television. If you ask me, I also would feel release if I have a couple of off days. Do not have to go for my lecture.
            However, if we have too much time free time or holiday to be spent, we shall be so boring as we have nothing more to do. Before we get the free time, we think about spending our time for watching the preferred movie or drama on TV or playing game or something else. At the time we have free time during a longer holiday, all the preferred activity already be done for so many times. We have played a digital game for multiple times, all the drama and best movie already finish being watched. Alas we run out of idea on what other activity that we can spend for the rest of the holiday.
            Do you have ever been in this situation? How do you feel about this? Are you feel so bored and might become tension or even get annoyed with this? Whatever your answer it is, that is what happen to me now. Again I insist that I am really bored right now. Why? Good question. Right now I am on the longest holiday ever in my life since my secondary school.  I have almost four months to go before the new semester would start again.
            As we all know, all the university in Malaysian recently have change their semester system for degree programmes. The semester would only start in September starting this year, 2011. That is mean all the degree programme students would have about four months as their semester break for this year due to the change of the system. I do not sure about what is the purpose for the government to change this system. Maybe they want to rearrange the system to be aligned with the system in the western university but the question is it really necessary for us to follow the westerner system.  Perhaps this action is taken in order for the Malaysian university is going to attract more foreign students especially from the Western country.
            Nevertheless, all the changes made to this system resort to two things in basic. There always have positive and negative effect to us as the students of course. The positive effect perhaps we would have more time to spend for looking for part time job, spend quality time with family, have other benefited training course, and plenty more to be listed here. This would be one of the reasons for this semester system being changed. While for the negative effect it would be the semester break for the degree programme students would not be at the same time as the school break. Therefore, it would cause a problem for a family to gather together.  Okay, that’s it. Actually I do not want to talk about this. I simply just to say that I am boring right now as nothing to do during this long semester break. However, it going to be okay soon as I am going to plan a plenty of activity to do or even get some job to do. See you later.


Selamat Hari Guru kepada seluruh guru yang berada di Malaysia. Terima kasih atas segala jasa yang tak terbalas olehku. Ucapan teristimewa buat guruku yang pertama dalam hidup, ibu bapa yang tak pernah puas mendidikku sehingga dewasa begini, guru-guru di Tadika, Sekolah Rendah, Sekolah Menengah, MRSM walau sekejap, dan juga guru al-Quran. Ingin juga diucapkan Selamat Hari Guru kepada semua pensyarah yang pernah mengajarku semasa di Universiti Teknologi MARA Perak.
                Segala pengorbanan anda semua tak dapat dihitung banyaknya, tak dapat nilai dengan wang ringgit, dan takkan dapat dibalas kembali. Semoga Tuhan saja yang membalas jasa bakti anda semua. Tanpa guru pasti aku tak dapat emnulis ucapan seperti ini, tak mengenal huruf, tak boleh mengira, dan takkan dapat menjejakkan kaki ke menara gading seperti sekarang ini.
                Percayalah kita semua bahawa kejayaan yang kita kecapi pada masa ini semuanya bermula dengan ajaran yang dicurahkan guru. Walau sekarang anda seorang doktor pakar bedah terkemuka, peguam yang hebat membela, arkitek yang menakjubkan rekaannya, ahli politik yang berjaya atau apa pun anda sekarang ini, semuanya berkat ajaran guru anda semasa kecil dulu. Walau guru darjah satu anda hanya mengajar ilmu membaca dan mengira namun tanpa ilmu yang dicurahkan mereka adakah anda mampu maju sehingga pencapaian sekarang ini.
                Terima kasih guru-guruku yang mulia. Semoga anda semua dikurniakan kebahagian, petunjuk dalam hidup, dibukakan pintu rezeki seluas-luasnya. Kepada guru-guruku yang telah pun pergi semoga roh mereka ditempatkan bersama orang-orang yang soleh dan diampunkan dosanya. Aminn..
(Lambat muat naik blog)


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