Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Little Bit Change in My Blog


Here I would like to make a change in my blog. The change is in my Tinta ToKdin blog I'll no longer post my Bahasa Melayu posting here. All of my Bahasa writing would be posted in my new blog named as Tokdin Tuman. Let's have a visit to my new blog.
        Therefore, in this blog I'll just post my English writing. Why I'm doing this? Yay maybe just to make it in a proper manner. That means in this blog there will be no more mix posting between the English and Bahasa posting. I do think that my blog is a little bit in mess as sometime I post in Bahasa and at one time I post in English. Now it would easy and proper as I have another blog specially made for Bahasa Melayu posting. However, my last posting in Bahasa in this blog would be remained here.
Okay, that's all for your information.
By the way happy Ramadhan for all Muslims. Ramadhan Kareem.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Let Muslim Do Whatever They Ought To – Isn’t That Their Rights

Here I am going to raise a well-known issue in globe (though it might be old issue). Yah it is about the controversial issue of Muslim women are prohibited to wear their veil/niqab or just cover up their hair/hijab in certain country such as in France. All of these only happen in western country where the Muslims are the minority. By the way, the word Muslim is derived from the Arabic word which refers to a man whose religion is Islam. While for woman the exact word is Muslimah. Okay, let’s stop discussing the linguistic matter here.

                In European countries, it is well-known that the people there are seriously struggle for the establishment of a freedom in society as well as the world. They would likely to utter and even mock the Muslims especially the women (Muslimah) in Islam who wear the veil or hijab. To them it is an injustice act towards those Muslimah. They simply think that wearing the hijab is an act of oppression or subjugation to women. Firstly, forgive me for one second as I tend to burst into laughter when I heard the statement. Especially the statement comes from the people who fight for freedom. Yah, to be honest they need to review the definition of freedom. That would be the first argument to the statement. At least there could be two arguments on this issue.

                First, do them aware that by the time the enforcement of rule that prohibit the veil is launched, they are already initiating an act of oppression to Muslims. Yah, it is oppression as the Muslims do want to wear a hijab or veil on their willingness as they are aware about the teaching of Islam. Nobody is forcing them to do so as they revert to Islam peacefully and agree to the rules and regulations in Islam. Freedom means that anyone can practise their religious activity or routine without any hindrance. Can anyone in European countries find that Singh men are prohibited from wearing their turban? In my knowledge as far as possible, there is none in fact in United Kingdom, even the Singh policemen can wear turban while they are working. Therefore, why they bother to ban Muslims from wearing the hijab or veil. 
                The next argument is why they barefacedly interfere with the teaching of Islam. Do not they know that the veil is not just a cultural matter but it is a religious one? Are there any of Muslims in those countries ever try to prohibit or protest the Christian teachings or other religion faith just like what they had did to the Muslims. Nope, not even once in history. Thus, this oppression is such a matter of Islamophobia that has been rising up tout de suite now on especially after the 9/11 incident. 

               To conclude in brief all of the action that have been taken on the Muslim community are such the injustice action which are denying and disregarding the right for Muslim community in those countries. They do not even have right to say that the veil or hijab is a matter which against the human rights. By the way, the Muslims are not oppressing the women right; instead, the non-Muslim community or establishment do so to them. Hence, simply let Muslim do whatever they ought to as it is their right, isn’t it.

Let's watch this video for a moment...


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hujan & Makna Kehidupan- 1

Pernahkah kita terfikir mengenai hujan yang sentiasa turun membasahi alam ini. Jikalau di bumi Malaysia ini, hujan bukanlah satu perkara yang luar biasa sebagaimana hujan yang turun di kawasan gurun. Di gurun jumlah taburan hujan yang turun amatlah rendah sekali jika hendak dibandingkan dengan negara-negara di kawasan Asia Tenggara seperti Negara kita ini. Boleh jadi disebabkan terlalu biasa dengan hujanlah kita memandang remeh mengenai fenomena hujan. Hujan pada hakikatnya satu perkara yang menarik buat renungan kita bersama dalam usaha untuk memikirkan tentang kejadian alam ciptaan Tuhan yang Maha Esa ini.

       Apa yang menarik sangat dengan hujan ini? Adakah fakta-fakta menarik untuk dipelajari bersama? Secara mudahnya hujan merupakan satu unsur yang penting bagi kehidupan makhluk-makhluk yang hidup di muka bumi ini. Tidak kiralah manusia, tumbuhan ataupun haiwan. Semuanya ada satu pertalian erat antara hujan dan kehidupan. Sebagaimana yang semua maklum hujan terdiri daripada titisan air yang terkondensasi daripada wap-wap air yang terkumpul membentuk awan di kaki langit dunia. Wap-wap air yang semakin lama semakin padu dan berat akhirnya bertukar menjadi titisan lalu jatuh ke bumi disebabkan daya tarikan graviti. Percaya atau tidak tanpa adanya hujan manusia dan juga hidupan lain di muka bumi ini tidak dapat hidup dengan sempurna bahkan mungkin mati kehausan.

         Hujanlah penentu sesuatu kawasan itu subur atau tidak sebagaimana yang disebutkan di dalam kitab al-Quran. Allah menyatakan bahawa Dialah yang berkuasa mengarahkah angin untuk meniup awan ke kawasan yang dikehendaki-Nya lalu menurunkan hujan ke bumi itu. Dahulunya kawasan bumi itu gersang kerana terlalu kering tetapi bertukar menjadi bumi yang subur disebabkan hujan yang turun itu tadi. Dinyatakan bahawa Allah mengeluarkan tumbuh-tumbuhan daripada hujan yang turun ke bumi itu. Secara literalnya kita dapat melihat dengan hujanlah hidupan di bumi ini dapat berkembang biak dengan sempurnanya. Inilah satu pertalian erat dan penting antara hujan dan kehidupan.
Cukup dulu buat kali ini pasal hujan. Kalau ada peluang sambung lagi…

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Valentine's Day Comes Again...2

Thanks Allah. We can meet again here in this cyber world. Once again I’d like to further our discussion on Valentine’s Day. Now on in this short post I’ll tell you about the history of this day.

It is said that Valentine’s Day is a day related to the day of Christian Priests that were martyred years ago. These priests are called as Valentines as in that year a lot of Christian martyrs were named as Valentines. While for the Valentines that were celebrated or honoured on 14th February are Valentine of Rome and Valentine of Terni.

The Valentine of Rome was martyred about AD 269 ago and was buried on the Via Flaminia. His relics are in the Church of Saint Praxed in Rome and in Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church in Dublin, Ireland. 

While Valentine of Terni was a Bishop of Interamna about AD 197 ago and it is said that he has been martyred during the persecution under Emperor Aurelian. He was also buried on Via Flaminia but in a different location than Valentine of Rome. His relics are at the Basilica of Saint Valentine in Terni.[1]

To sum up this short discussion, Valentine’s Day is a day that is related to the Christian Celebration of their religious priest that was called as Valentine: a martyr priest. That’s why we, as Muslim, are not allowed for celebrating this Valentine’s Day. 

Yeah, there are arguments that said today celebration of Valentine’s Day is not related to the ancient history of that Valentine but just for romance and love only but still it’s called as Valentine’s Day and yet there are more negative values arise from celebrating this day. How many Malay youngster or Muslim in this country have been caught for doing explicit things on this day? You see and's up to you. Changes start with you, yourself.
Tokdin Tuman….

Valentine's Day Comes Again...1

Thanks Allah, I get back to write here. Okay, as I see in the calendar today is 11th February 2012. Yeah, it’s Saturday right now and this Tuesday it would be 14th February. What is it so important with this day as I need to mention it here? Hah, nothing it’s nothing special but for certain people they are awaiting for this day. Especially for those who are in love with somebody.

           What day is 14th February? It’s a Valentine's Day. Y’all must familiar with it and someone might have celebrated this day. Unfortunately, it’s not advisable for us to celebrate this day with anyone who we love so much even those people that we love is our own legitimate partner; hubby/honey or somewhat. Why?? What is so wrong with Valentine haah? We don’t mean anything harm or bad things. We just want to strengthen our relationship or love we our partners. The answer is still no, no, no…

           I don’t need to explain more on this topic. Y’all know about the fact of this Valentine's Day. If you look back at its history, it’s not good for us the Muslim to follow the act of the non-Muslim to celebrate this day. Even though your intention is good but that’s not the way. We don’t need to wait for certain day in improving or showing how truly or deeper our love for the love one. It would be better if you renew your love in everyday lives. Start your morning with smile to your love one, hubby o whatsoever you call your partner and treat them with the best as you can. 

Tokdin Tuman….

Monday, January 30, 2012

Get Back to Blogging

Alhamdulillah, get back to write again in this blog after being silent for a while.  A while?? Is it really just for a while or even forever and ever. Whatsoever, I don’t care. Indeed, I was so busy (or even lazy) to keep it up with any post here. Yaah, since I just furthering my study in degree, I stopped from thinking about writing anything.

           Stop mumbling about nothing, let’s go to the point. Y’all know that we are just entering New Year, 2012, for Gregorian calendar and for Chinese, they just entering New Year as follow to their Lunatic calendar; which is Dragon Year if not mistaken. I do think that it’s not too late for me to wish a HAPPY NEW YEAR. While for Muslim we already enter this New Year or Maal Hijrah for several months ago. Salam Maal Hijrah 1433 even it’s quite late.
          That’s the unique live in Malaysia; we do have a multi-ethnic and culture in a single state. For every ethnic has its own culture, rules, ways of life that would end up as a colourful country. However, for Muslim even though we do respect and appreciate the other culture but watch out; not to forget one precious thing; that is do not even get involved or do believe with all the superstitious related to Lunatic New Year and so on.

            Okay, it’s enough for now, I’m not in the mood to write a longer post.


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