Thursday, December 31, 2009

Have You Ever Think About What You Have Done

That is one of the questions which come to me sometimes. Emmm, is that so important to us to think about what we did or what we are going to do? Have you ever think about this question. If yes, I am glad that you may be one of persons who are going to be succeeding in life. The answer to the first question is yes, it is so important for us to think about what we have done in our lives. For me, one of the secrets to succeed in life is to look back on whatever we did. To make it easier for us in understanding about what I am saying here, it is better for me to show us an example. Let see a student in school. Okay, as a student who is trying so hard and so ambitious to get the highest mark or result in examination needs to check how many exercises he/she has done. If they do not get the target which they have set before, they should check back is that their way of learning and revision they made are good enough to reach the target? If not they must improve it later for the next examination. It is same in the situation of an adult in their career. You also need to look back on what have you made for your work. Have you plan a good strategy for your marketing in business? Is that your product can fulfil the clients’ needs. All of these examples show us the important of asking yourself on what you have done to improve us in whatever we do now. Therefore, let us ask this question to ourselves during this ending of the year 2009 to improve our lives.
            I believe that a lot of us will make a new target for the new year which is around the corner. No doubt that it is good to make a target to achieve in the next year. However, once again I ask this question; have you ever think about what you have done before. You already made a wish or target at the same time in the last year just before the new year. Have you get the target you did before in this year? If the answer is yes, be my guest to make another one. If not, take a wee bit of time to think first about your effort in this year. Do you really give the best effort as you can? Thus, in order to make a new target for the next year, you need to check up your achievements in this year. Afterward, you find a solution to the problem in achieving your target for this year and plan a new strategy to achieve it in the next year. That is what I think is good for me and all of us to succeed in our lives.  
            Furthermore, ask yourself anytime you fail in doing something. What I have done? Do you really use all of your time to get what you dream for. No end of people make a wish without really work for it. Then, it ends up in failing in getting what you wish for. It is quite easy for us to make a wish or target to achieve for each year but it is not so easy to realize it. I also have been like this and was not excluded from this. However something should be done to change this situation. First, I think it is better for us to prepare ourselves to have strong spirit and keen to succeed. Thus, if you face any challenge in realize your wish or fail, you will not frustrated and become weak to work hard for it again. To get an invaluable success in life is not an easy task. It needs you to face many challenges and sometimes you might fail. To get a shiny bulb today was not easy. Thomas Edison had failed many times before he succeeded in inventing a bulb. So, what about us? Do we have to wait for miracle to happen in our lives then we can succeed? Certainly not and just be strong to wake up from failure. You have to struggle hard in your life. Do not simply give up. You still have chance to win in your life. Remember that people who succeed are the people who learn from their failure. Make a new strategy and let fight more. Only good plan makes you achieve your target.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Salam Maal Hijrah 1431

Assalamualaikum. It has been a couple of weeks ago that I did not update my blog. Until now, it comes to the new year of the Hijri calendar. It is called as the Hijrah year or literally means The Year of Migration if I not mistaken. I am not a language expert, hope that it is right. The year of Muslim which was created by used the day of the migration of Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. to Yathrib or later it is called as Madinah (A City) as the first year Muslim calendar. This was the historical day in Islam which started the developing of a new and the first country of Muslim community in this world. A country which was the best and the most developed country in the whole part of human lives. Either in physical or in the spiritual of the men. Day by day has passed and now we are going to enter a new year. About a thousand and a half years has Islam been in this world. It is the long time for Muslim in the whole world to achieve a lot success in every part of lives. However, the reality today is opposite the logic. What happen today is not a glory of Islamic country but seems the failure of us. All of failures are such the lack of knowledge and level of education among the Muslim, the war in certain Islamic countries, and the most problematic issue is the unity of the Muslim around the world.

Actually, what happen is not due to the holy principles of Islam but the Muslim themselves. Their attitudes and their lives which left all or a part of the principles derived from the Quran and Sunnah made Islam so weak today. I think that it is good for us as Muslim use this new year of Hijrah to improve ourselves in each part of lives. The most important is to back the core of Islam principles that are Quran and Sunnah. Then, improve the level of education and knowledge among us. As what the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h said, if we want to success in the world today is by knowledge, success in the day hereafter also by the knowledge, and if we want both it should be by the knowledge too. He has left us two things which can prevent us from lost in lives when we refer to them which are Quran and His Sunnah. Therefore, I really hope and pray to Allah the Almighty so that Muslim can achieve again the time of its renaissance era before.

It is enough for me to talk about the Muslim lives today and the hope for them to wake up again. What the point I would like to mention here is about me as an individual. Somebody said that to change the whole world is starting from changing a single person. To do this it is better for me to look at myself first. Who am I to comment on the big issue which still cannot be solved by the big and extraordinary people in Muslim community? In Malay there is a proverb which is cermin diri literally means look at yourself in a mirror. Before we comment on something or somebody, look at yourself whether you deserve or not to comment on the issue. Whether you have the capability and knowledge to talk on the issue. However, whatever I say is from my point of view that might be right or wrong. If it is wrong, I am very pleased to receive any comment and correction from others. That are the point I wrote it here. Thus, that is what I think it is good for us. Now, let check ourselves what have we done a whole last year. How many good things have we done? How much time have we spent for worshiping the God or almost full day we are lost in the lives in fana’ world. Are that much goodness we have done or committed more sins? Hurry up guys, wake up from sleep and worship God and ask for His forgiveness since you still have more time. Say Astaghfirullah (I asking for your forgiveness o Allah).

One more thing is to plan what would you do in this New Year for your success in lives. Remember, proper planning makes you succeed. Plan and dream without action taken to realise it is nothing. If you still have some plans in the last year take it forward in this year and make effort to achieve it. Lastly, I hope that I can achieve my target in this year and change myself whether in attitude and in physical state. Wassalam. 19/12/09

Ada Apa Dengan Cuti Semester

Kumulakan karangan ini dengan nama Allah yang maha Agung. Semoga segala apa yang dikerjakan oleh kita akan diberkati-Nya. Apa yang ingin disampaikan oleh diri ini melalui tajuk ‘Ada Apa Dengan Cuti Semester’ adalah untuk berkongsi pengalamanku ini serta pemerhatian terhadap gelagat siswa-siswi yang lain. Ada antaranya terdiri daripada kalangan sahabatku mahupun jiran tetangga. Cuti semester merupakan saat yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh setiap insan yang bergelar siswa di mana-mana Institut Pengajian Tinggi tidak kiralah IPTA ataupun IPTS. Yang pasti semuanya seronok dengan cuti semester. Namun terdapat pelbagai ragam yang agak menarik apabila kita memperkatakan mengenai soal cuti ini. Inilah sedikit hasil daripada pemerhatian dan pengalamanku yang kurang nilainya itu untuk dikongsi. Sekadar apa yang terdaya oleh kudrat kerdilku ini. Jika diikutkan tidaklah layak untuk aku menulis namun dek kerana hati sering dihinggapi perasaan untuk meluahkan segala pengalaman dan perasaan bersama insan lain.

Apa yang seronoknya cuti semester ini? Jawapannya tidak perlu diselidik atau dibuat kajian yang rumit. Persoalan ini boleh dijawab dengan mudah hatta oleh budak sekolah rendah sekalipun. Pertamanya, mereka sudah lama tidak pulang ke rumah setelah belajar selama empat lima bulan lamanya. Mungkin ada cuti ketika di kampus namun cuti yang pendek tidak dapat memuaskan hati untuk melepaskan rindu terhadap keluarga. Namun suasana ini tidak mungkin berlaku jika siswa itu belajar di dalam negeri yang sama atau berdekatan dengan rumah kediaman. Sudah tentu setiap minggu atau bulan mereka boleh pulang jika mahu. Usah dikira mereka yang tinggal dalam satu negeri, pelajar yang tinggal di negeri yang berjiran dengan kampus pun boleh balik hampir setiap minggu. Buktinya, aku sendiri mempunyai seorang kawan yang tinggal di Pulau Pinang. Dia sentiasa pulang ke kampung. Boleh dikatakan dalam sebulan dua tiga kali balik kampung walaupun dia sedang belajar di sebuah IPTA di negeri Perak. Oleh itu, kalau tinggal dekat dengan rumah pasti suasana seronok ketika pulang bercuti semester akan sedikit kurang meriah. Apatah lagi jika ada dalam kalangan kita yang belajar di rantau orang atau kata orang putihnya ‘oversea’. Walau bagaimanapun, sejauh mana sekalipun tempat kita belajar daripada rumah, kita masih lagi boleh berhubung dan berkelana pulang ke kampung dengan mudahnya. Dalam dunia yang begitu canggih ini, apatah lagi di Malaysia yang tercinta ini pasti sudah tidak kedengaran lagi pelajar yang tidak dapat pulang ke kampung semasa musim perayaan. Jikalau adapun hanyalah segelintir yang tinggal di Sabah atau Sarawak dan belajar di semenanjung atau sebaliknya. Itupun bagi mereka yang kurang berkemampuan untuk menanggung kos penerbangan ke kampung halaman.

Jika kita bandingkan suasana belajar sekarang dengan masa dulu, ibarat langit dengan bumi bezanya. Mengikut kata guru-guruku yang veteren, ketika belajar di universiti dahulu apabila tibanya hari raya. Mereka terpaksa beraya di kampus atau rumah sewa mereka kerana tidak dapat pulang beraya ke kampung. Bayangkan ketika orang lain seronok beraya bersama keluarga sedangkan kita keseorangan beraya di tempat orang. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kesukaran pengakutan dan juga kemampuan para pelajar ketika itu yang tidak mampu berbelanja untuk pulang. Betapa beruntungnya kita, pelajar zaman sekarang yang begitu mudah sekali untuk pulang dan berhubung dengan keluarga di kampung. Pada zaman ini, kerinduan terhadap keluarga tidaklah begitu mendalam berbanding dulu yang tidak ada lagi telefon bimbit dan internet. Telefon rumah pun tidak ramai yang mampu memilikinya. Usah hendak menelefon keluarga, telefon pun belum tentu ada. Pada masa itu, perhubungan terbaik adalah melalui surat atau telegram. Selain itu, kebanyakan pelajar zaman dahulu boleh dikatakan lebih matang dan pandai berdikari melalui pengalaman yang seperti itu. Patutlah ramai antara graduan hari ini menganggur sebabnya tidak begitu pandai berdikari dengan mencari dan mencipta peluang pekerjaan terutama dalam bidang keusahawanan. Semoga diriku ini boleh berdikari dalam melayari bahtera hidup yang sementara di dunia ini.

Selain itu, apa yang penting sangat cuti ini buat pelajar adalah peluang bagi mereka berehat dan masa untuk relaks setelah penat berhempas pulas dalam pelajaran; menghadiri kuliah, menyiapkan tugasan, ulang kaji, dan persediaan untuk menghadapi peperiksaan akhir. Ada juga antara pelajar yang menjadikan masa cuti ini sebagai jalan untuk melepaskan tekanan semasa menghadapi peperiksaan. Waktu untuk melupakan sekejap ingatan terhadap peperiksaan yang terasa sukar untuk dijawab atau langsung tidak dapat dijawab. Siapa yang tidak tahu betapa tingginya tekanan ketika menghadapi peperiksaan tidak kiralah sama ada ketika sekolah, universiti, atau semasa bekerja? Tekanan pasti terasa apatah lagi jika peperiksaan itu menjadi batu pengukur untuk melayakkan diri untuk sesuatu perkara atau untuk mengekalkan purata nilai gred terkumpul (PNG) yang tinggi bagi pelajar universiti. Walau bagaimana penting pun peperiksaan itu, janganlah sampai kita menjadikan pembelajaran itu hanya bertujuan untuk cemerlang dalam peperiksaan semata-mata. Harus diingat peperiksaan hanyalah sekadar satu alat penimbang atau pengukur bagi tenaga pengajar bagi mengenal pasti sama ada seseorang pelajar itu faham atau tidak dalam setiap mata pelajaran. Apa yang lebih penting adalah kefahaman dan penguasaan segala cabang dalam sesuatu subjek yang diambil serta kebolehan untuk kita mengamalkan ilmu itu dalam reality kehidupan. Tiada gunanya ‘A’ dalam subjek matematik namun dalam kehidupan sebenar seperti dalam kerjaya tidak dapat menerapkan formula yang dipelajari untuk menyelesaikan masalah.

Namun dalam seronok bercuti itu ada banyak ragam dan kerenah para pelajar ini dalam mengisi masa lapang itu. Ada yang memanfaatkan masa cuti ini dengan bekerja sambilan sementara menghabiskan masa cuti. Dengan itu bolehlah mereka menambah duit ke dalam kocek. Maklumlah pelajar zaman sekarang rata-ratanya memerlukan wang perbelanjaan yang banyak. Sebabnya satu saja iaitu cara hidup yang lebih moden dan canggih. Dalam dunia teknologi ini penggunaan telefon bimbit atau selular ini semakin menjadi lumrah dan darah daging semua golongan muda-mudi. Apa yang hendak dihairankan dengan pelajar universiti yang memiliki telefon bimbit kerana budak-budak sekolah rendah pun sudah mula menggunakan telefon ini. Bukan sekadar telefon bimbit model biasa bahkan model yang lebih canggih dan tentu tinggi nilainya. Sehinggakan ada pelajar sekolah darjah tiga yang memakai telefon bimbit yang harganya mencecah empat angka. Berbalik kepada pelajar universiti ini, budaya memiliki telefon bimbit yang penuh dengan aplikasi atau peranti yang canggih dan mengikut trend semasa sudah menjadi perkara biasa. Oleh itu, tidak sedikit wang pinjaman, biasiswa atau wang pemberian ibu bapa yang digunakan untuk tujuan itu. Bukan ini saja, ada juga antara mereka yang suka keluar daripada kampus semasa cuti untuk berjalan-jalan makan angin di mana-mana kawasan perkelahan atau setidak-tidaknya pusat beli-belah; mereka menonton wayang, membeli-belah, ‘jamming’, dan bermacam-macam lagi . Semua ini menyebabkan mereka perlu mencari wang tambahan untuk memenuhi keperluan seperti ini. Kesimpulan mudahnya bekerja sambilan adalah cara terbaik untuk memenuhi masa cuti. Tidak kurang juga yang bekerja bukan semata-mata untuk mendapatkan sumber kewangan bagi memenuhi kehendak-kehendak seperti ini cuma sekadar untuk mendapatkan pengalaman dan menambah wang simpanan. Bagiku dalam setandan pisang tidak semuanya masak ranum, dalam banyak-banyak ular tidak semuanya berbisa.

Di samping itu, ada pula yang hanya tinggal di rumah tidak bekerja. Sehinggakan ada antara mereka yang berasa bosan disebabkan tiada aktiviti untuk dilakukan ketika masa senggang. Walhal tidak sedikit pekerjaan atau aktiviti yang boleh dibuat oleh mereka. Kerja-kerja seperti menolong keluarga dalam menguruskan hal ehwal rumah seperti ada yang berkebun dan membersihkan persekitaran rumah boleh dilaksanakan oleh mereka. Pada masa ini juga boleh dimanfaatkan untuk mengulang kaji pelajaran terutama bagi subjek yang kita lemah dalam menguasainya atau berusaha menambahkan pengetahuan melalui pembacaan serta meningkatkan pemahaman dalam agama misalnya. Masa-masa beginilah kita berpeluang menjadikan diri kita lebih berilmu dan berkemahiran. Apa yang lebih penting masa cuti inilah saat yang terbaik untuk meluangkan masa bersama keluarga. Adalah maklum bagi kita bahawa semenjak memasuki gerbang menara gading, dengan sendirinya kita sudah melangkah sebelah kaki ke dalam kehidupan berdikari ketika dewasa. Selepas tamat belajar nanti kita akan semakin sibuk dengan kerjaya masing-masing. Jika semasa belajar dahulu kita masih mempunyai waktu cuti yang panjang untuk bersama keluarga. Namun setelah bekerja kita hanya dapat meluangkan masa sepenuhnya bersama keluarga ketika hujung minggu dan cuti-cuti sahaja. Tidak ada lagi cuti panjang. Apatah lagi jikalau kita tinggal berjauhan daripada keluarga lagilah akan kurang masa untuk diluangkan bersama keluarga yang tercinta.

Sebagai intihanya, cuti semester itu banyak nilainya buat seorang insan bergelar mahasiswa. Kita pasti akan mengingati kenangan semasa di universiti setelah lama bekerja. Banyak kenangan indah semasa belajar di sana. Kenangan bersama rakan-rakan yang adakalanya bersikap nakal dan kehidupan semasa berada di kolej akan menjadi ingatan indah di hati. Tentunya memori tentang cuti semester ini menjadi salah satu kenangan terindah buat diri masing-masing. Namun, mungkin ada juga yang tidak bersetuju dengan apa yang kutulis ini. Ini hanyalah merupakan pandangan dan pengalaman yang dialami oleh setiap manusia yang tentunya tidak sama penerimaan dan perasaannya. Kata orang rambut sama hitam namun hati lain-lain. Walau bagaimanapun, aku berasakan tentu ramai yang menganggap kenangan sewaktu di universiti serta waktu cuti semester ini merupakan kenangan yang tidak kurang uniknya. Wassalam.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Being A Students In A Campus

Thanks God, that I can write again. I think in a couple of days from now I still can write for this blog. Later on, I may write for this blog for several times a month or less. Okay, lets talk about the title I have chosen for today. Being a student in a campus is not the same as we are in the school. The way of learning and teaching is totally different. As a student in any college or university needs us to be more active in finding notes on your subject and for your assignment. The assignment you need to do is not like the assignment in the school. Moreover, lifestyle in campus is totally different compared to the lifestyle in an hostel during school. Therefore, there is something which can be made to prepare them for new life in campus.

Sometimes we heard that there are some students who change when they go to the university or colleges. This happen due to the situation in campus which is more free than in school. In the campus, you may do almost everything you like and nobody would stop you from doing that. If you want to study, you may do so and if you want to play around, have fun without concerning your study, you may do so too. All of the decisions made for you there depend on you.
As a result, some students may act oppositely of their behave before.

How to prevent this from happen. In my opinion, it is depend on the way of your parents educate and nurturing the children before. The most important thing to be teach by the parents is the religion's faith. As a Muslim we already have a proper way from the God to guide us in facing everything in our lives. When a student know about what the purpose he/she goes to the university and know the responsibility as a student. He/she may focusing on his/her study. Parents need to ensure that their children will contact them and they also do not miss to contact their children. This to enable students to remember about what the purpose they be in campus and the hope of their parents on them. Students when go to far from their family and they have friends might forgot their point on being in campus. The parents also must remember that they still have to control of their children although they are in the campus.

To conclude, one of the ways to prepare yourself for campus life is be aware of your reason to be in campus and also remember your parents' hope on you and your responsibility as a student.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lack of Knowledge Makes Muslim Too Weak

Assalamualaikum .

People around the world have heard about the state or condition of Islamic countries. Many of Islamic countries are included in less developed country or at least as the developed country. All of these happen due to our behave and attitude as Muslims. We do not really care about gathering a lot of knowledge or even go to study in school. I agree that many of us around the world are not capable to give education to our children. However, this cannot be a major reason or an obstacle which make us as Muslim do not have education as in the Al-Quran stated that knowledge is very important. Look back in the Surah Al-Alaq, it is the first Ayat which ask our beloved Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. and also to the all of Muslim to read. "Read with the name of Allah who creates all creatures". Therefore, in my opinion it is important for us to study and study and improve our knowledge especially about Islam.

If Muslim around the world aware of the important of knowledge and education, I am absolutely sure that Muslim community including Muslim countries may become the most developed and grand society among others. Why not, we already proved that before. Without knowledge every country cannot develop. Although their country have many natural resources which can be used to develop the country, they need people who are talented and have skill to use the sources.

Lastly, I hope that we including me can develop ourselves first by studying to develop the whole Islamic world.

Life is too fast

Assalamualaikum. Today, what I want to say here is our life if we look back, is too fast. As for me, I'm feels like my primary school life is just a several months ago but the fact that it doesn't. It seems that our life moving to fast and some more fact that we have to remember is we don't life longer. Thus, I need to use my precious time wisely.

However, to really use your time wisely is not easy task. Many people cannot do this. A lot of us still hanging around while they still have many works to do. How many time we spend for entertainment-watching television, surfing internet, play games and etc.-? I'm sure that about half or quarter of a day we spend for it. What we do to make our lives so precious. Moreover, as a Muslim, do we really concentrate on being a good Muslim-to worship our God, Allah The Almighty-? What have we done with our invaluable time given by the God.

Hope that all of us especially me can change. Now, we are in the end of the year. 2010 is just one and a half month to go. Don't wait too long to make an effort to change. "The God will never change people lives if they, themselves do not even make an effort to change"

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Alahai Semester Baru!

Assalamualaikum. Sekarang sudah pun masuk bulan Julai. Bagi penuntut universiti, mereka semua sedang sibuk membuat persiapan untuk semester baru. Namun saya pasti ramai antara mereka yang berasa berat hati untuk pulang ke kampus bagi meneruskan pengajian masing-masing. Apa tidaknya mereka semua termasuk saya sendiri berasakan tidak puas hati lagi bercuti dan melepaskan rindu bersama keluarga tercinta.
Awal semester ini, ramai antara siswa dan siswi yang gembira dan lega serta tak kurang juga yang sedih dengan keputusan peperiksaan akhir semester sebelum ini. Ya la, kenapa tak runsing kalau 'pointer' dah jatuh. Apa yang pasti ramai juga antara mereka ini yang berazam akan membaiki diri pada semester yang akan dibuka tak berapa lama lagi ini. Bagi yang dapat keputusan yang kurang baik pastinya akan bercita-cita ingin meningkatkan lagi usaha mereka manakala bagi yang dapat keputusan yang cemerlang pastinya ingin meningkatkan lagi pencapaian atau sekurang-kurangnya mengekalkan pencapaian mereka.
Semoga kita semua berjaya dalam pelajaran masing-masing...


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