Thursday, September 16, 2010

Furu' al-Masa'il wa Usul al-Wasa'il in Modern Bahasa Melayu

I've bought a useful and informative book on Islamic jurisprudence. However, this book is really suitable for everybody even for youngster like me. The book title is Furu' al-Masa'il wa Usul al-Wasa'il which is written by Syeikh Daud Bin Abdullah al-Fathani, a well-known Muslim cleric in Nusantara. He is a well-known ulama in Nusantara and also in Mecca as he stayed in Mecca after completing his haj in Mecca.
        According to the book, it is known that Syeikh Daud al-Fathani accidentally need to stay in Mecca as there is problem when he wanted to get back to home just after his completion of the haj in Jeddah port. Then, he made decision to back to Mecca and further his study on Islamic knowledge. After about 30 years stayed in Mecca for study, he then moved to Madinah and stayed there for five years for further his study. However, after completing his study he decided not to back to his home in Fathani but to stay in Mecca to teach and spread his knowledge of Islam in Masjidil Haram in Mecca.
        This book actually is written by Syeikh Daud in ancient Pattani Malay language (Melayu Pattani). It is a translation of two Arabic kitab (book) written by well-known ulama; al-'Allamah al-Muhaqqiq Minal al-Mutaakhkhirin al-Syeikh Husain bin Muhammad al-Mahilli and al-Syeikh al-'Allamah Muhammad Ramli al-Kabir. However, this book has been translated into modern Malay language by Dato' Abu Hassan Din al-Hafiz, an Islamic Advisor to DYMM SPM Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, the King of Malaysia. He also has added valued explanations on certain part of this book to make it clear for the readers.

        Hopefully that there is more ancient kitab or also known as Kitab Kuning can be translated into modern Bahasa Melayu in order new generation especially youngster can take the benefit from precious book by our ulama.

Reference: Furu' al-Masa'il wa Usul al-Wasa'il, al-Syeikh Daud Bin Abdullah, Dato' Abu Hassan Din al-Hafiz, 2010.

-Tokdin Tuman-

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