Thursday, February 9, 2017

Hati Emas/ Golden Heart - M. Nasir (Lyric Translation)

Salam to all. Here is my next lyric translation for M. Nasir song; Hati Emas.

Walking in the arid land,
the sun is gripping the chest,
dust on the streets become a loyal friend.

No else my aim
but golden heart that I look for,
the story at the end of the world,
why couldn't I find it.

Oh! heard that fine voice,
like I heard and then it disappeared,
it said go home o my child
it's not here.

Travelling... Enough already I'd travelled,
where to, does light goes oh!
Looking for,
golden heart is not easy.
At this time do you even care?

Perhaps you do have,
the pure sacred golden heart.
I wish to be your friend
till the end of my life

Travelling... Enough already I'd travelled,
where to, does light goes oh!
Looking for golden heart is not easy.
At this time do you even care?
Perhaps forever I couldn't find it.

Okay the original lyric and the video are posted below:

Hati Emas

Berjalan di tanah gersang Mentari mencengkam dada Debu-debu di jalanan
Menjadi teman setia Tiada lain tujuanku Hati emas yang ku cari Kisahnya di hujung dunia Mengapa tak ku temui Oh! Terdengar suara halus Bagai dengar dan menghilang Katanya pulanglah oh anakku Ia tiada di sini Kembara Puas sudah ku mengembara Ke mana perginya oh cahaya Mencari hati emas bukannya mudah Di masa kini adakah kau peduli Mungkinkah dikau miliki Hati emas murni suci Inginku menjadi sahabatmu Hingga akhir hayat nanti Kembara Puas sudah ku mengembara Ke mana perginya oh cahaya Mencari hati emas bukannya mudah Mungkin selamanya takkan aku temui

Finished translate the lyric on 29 Jan 2017 @ 20.10 Sunday.

Apokalips - M. Nasir (Lyric Translation)

Salam to all. 
Last time I logged in my blog was to post my first attempt ever to translate Malay lyric. It was song by Wings of Lena Diulit Intan. Today, I wish to post the second lyric which I had finished translate the best as I could. (Indeed I might ruined the song who knows). It is the song of M. Nasir - Apokalips. Famous singer, composer, actor, producer, and etc. etc. relating the art world perhaps. No wonder people call him as Sifu M.Nasir. 


1 2 3 Do Re Mi
Aliff Baa Taa A B C
what to be
will be
Rain surely would stop

There're times I love to make friends
There're times I love to be alone
There're times I love to travel
There're times I love to relax

There're times you love to make friends
There're times you love to be alone
There're times you love to travel
There're times you love what I love

Life and fate is like roller coaster 
Ups and downs come around
Anytime can turns up and down
1 2 3 Do Re Mi

what to be
Aliff Baa Taa A B C
what to be
will be
Rain surely would stop
There're times we love to make friends

There're times we love to be alone

There're times we love to travel
There're times we laugh
Life and fate is like roller coaster 
Ups and downs come around
Anytime can turns up and down
1 2 3 Do Re Mi

what to be
Aliff Baa Taa A B C
what to be
will be
Rain surely would stop
There're times we love to make friends
There're times we love to be alone
There're times we love to travel
There're times we laugh

Translated on 29 Jan 2017 @19.26 Sunday

Down here is the original lyric in Bahasa Melayu. The lyric has been taken from Musixmacth website. The translation of this lyric had been posted there. Perhaps some people could improve this translation.


1 2 3 Do Re Mi Apa nak jadi Alif Bata A B C
Apa nak jadi Akan terjadi Hujan pasti berhenti Ada masanya aku suka berteman Ada masanya aku suka bersendiri Ada masanya aku suka berjalan Ada masanya aku suka berehat Ada masanya engkau suka berteman Ada masanya engkau suka bersendiri Ada masanya engkau suka berjalan Ada masanya engkau suka apa yang ku suka Hidup dan nasib roler koster Susah dan senang bersilih ganti Bila-bila boleh naik dan turun Apokalips 1 2 3 Do Re Mi Apa nak jadi Alif Bata A B C Apa nak jadi Akan terjadi Hujan pasti berhenti Ada masanya kita suka berteman Ada masanya kita suka bersendiri Ada masanya kita suka berjalan Ada masanya kita suka Hidup dan nasib roler koster Susah dan senang bersilih ganti Bila-bila boleh naik dan turun Apokalips 1 2 3 Do Re Mi Apa nak jadi Alif Bata A B C Apa nak jadi Akan terjadi Hujan pasti berhenti Ada masanya kita suka berteman Ada masanya kita suka bersendiri Ada masanya kita suka berjalan Ada masanya kita suka

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Lena Diulit Intan - Slumber Lulled by Intan (Lyric Translation)

This song I think is the first Bahasa Melayu song's lyric which I tried to translate it into English. I posted this one on a lyric websites (MusixMatch). At the moment I was just looking for the lyric for Rock hit song "Lena Diulit Intan" by Wings. I just listened to the song online on YouTube. From the moment where it all started.

             I found a button for translation for this lyric. Then when I clicked, there was none translation available (of course laa Malay song right). Then it popped in my mind that why don't I try to translate it into English. At least I treat it as my lesson to empower my English skill in trying translating poetic or something just like blablabla wording into English language. Perhaps I ruined the lyric - definitely no doubt about it. But why don't give it a try meh??? Someone else may review and improve it if they want (if ever people care). So, here is the translation. I still reviewing it if I got to open this file again. Got several words and phrases that sound not so convincing and really conveying the real meaning of the lyric. Maybe the diction chosen are not the best one. Somehow I'd rather translate it in not so literally manner and more towards in context approach. Nevertheless, it mixed up.

Slumber lulled by Intan

As I recall,                                                                                
we've made then
in a party
your lovely face
was so attractive
and so it shook my heart.

It was like getting lulled by
a dream when I saw you
I wish you to be my shine
to enlighten my life

Oohhh... nothing is so beautiful
like times being with you
your chuckles shone away
the craving shine
craving for being loved
like a loving couple

You have filled
the void in my heart
made me a man
with such a 'meaningfullness' oohhh

It was so touching
your words was a deep confession
not a mere poetic wording
but a sincere and serious one oohh.
29 Jan 2017 @ 5.32 p.m.

The original lyric:

Lena Diulit Intan
Seingat aku
Kita pernah bertemu dulu
Di satu pesta keramaian Anggun wajahmu Menjadi perhatian Dan hatiku juga turut berkocakan Bagai lena yang diulit Mimpi bertemumu Inginku jadikanmu penyeri Warnai hidup ini Oohhh... tiada terpaling indah Sewaktu bersamamu intan Hilai tawamu terpancarlah Oh sinaran keinginan Ingin dikasih Seperti insan sedang berkasih... Oooh Kau telah isikan Ruangku yang kekosongan Jadilah seorang insan Yang penuh dengan pengertian ooohhh Yang amat mengharukan Kalimahmu luahan dalam Bukan sekadar puisi ciptaan tapi tulus ikhlas dan kesungguhan.oooh

P/S: More importantly you simply enjoy the song laaa. hahaha

A Dilemma with Tolibul Ilm fi ad-deen

Tolibul ilm fi ad-deen & bigoted partyless politic ideology

Recently, when I scrolled down my FB walls for any update, I was stumbled upon some status regarding national politic issues in the country by some fellow FB friends. These fellow friends, some of them are students and some  already graduating their first degrees in Islamic studies. The moment I saw the status as usual I looked up the comments for the status. I am apolitical and do not really care to have a fight over petty political issues especially when dealing with multiparty politics. 

            It was a shock and I was disappointed at some of them who used rude language while commenting and arguing in the status comments. There was a fella who accused one party in state commit corrupt things and just accusing and provoking the other fella. The others came and starts everything. A fight in social media. Not everyone but some. Where is their concern about adab and akhlak when conversing with one another.  It just  made me upset and disappointed to see such expected one to be so well-educated  in fundamental Islamic studies to be such wild and ‘ruthless’ on internet. Now you see that heart problems, emotion, hasad doesn’t prefer anyone. Regardless what background you are, the chance to get ‘infested’ with such heart parasite is widely open unless you get prepared.

Actually I had wrote this notes last year. To be exact it was on 04 ‎Disember ‎2016 @ ‏‎13:01:38. Only now in this 2017 got chance & will to publish here. The tone of my writing perhaps quite emotional.  However, I'd got some point to put in here.


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